TTT Workshop Registrations

Te Tai Tokerau Mental Wellbeing Project

The Te Tai Tokerau Tamariki Mental Well-being Project aims to equip teachers with the knowledge and resources, to help children learn the skills they will need for their future wellbeing. This programme was created in response to feedback provided from eighteen schools in Tai Tokerau that were previously visited by Cat Levine on the Big Feelings School Tour and Tractor Trek during 2021. The Rotary Foundation and Feelings for Life Charitable Trust are sponsoring sixty Tai Tokerau primary schools to receive the one year Think and Be Me (TBM) programme, including teacher professional development, school presentations, resources and digital curriculum.

Book TTT workshops for your team | school

Book dates for the Rotary sponsored Te Tai Tokerau Mental Wellbeing Project PLD Workshops for teachers.

Book Your Team PLD Dates