Welcome to Think and Be Me!
I'm Cat Levine, the Founder and Presenter for Think and Be Me online and in person presentations.
These programmes help children form solid foundations to deal with difficult emotions for life. We call this emotional literacy and it really helps to build positive mental health in our younger generations.
The presentations are built on a template of fun and engaging delivery, memorable content that increases retention and strategies that make for practical daily use.
Think and Be Me online is divided into logical ‘feelings’ groups that consist of short videos and supportive resources which are tailored to both teachers and schools, and to whanau at home.
For instance, the Think and Be Brave series speaks to anxiety and offers tailored versions for young children and teens. Coming soon, the Think and Be Calm series speaks to anger management; the Think and Be Confident speaks to building resilience. I can't wait to have these ready for you!
Think and Be Me can be summarised by the slogan, ‘Change what you think, change what you do and your feelings will change too.’
This is what I offer your children, your whanau and our communities.
Thanks for joining me!He taonga te hauora, he pikinga waiora. Pursue great health and wellbeing.
Short clips to support teachers and whānau with the use of Think and Be Me!
Introduction to Think and Be Me
WATCH NOWA video to introduce whānau, parents and teachers to Think and Be Me and it's set of resources by Cat Levine.
Presentation In Schools Explanation
WATCH NOWA video educating whānau, parents and on what goes into the presentations and the theory behind it.
How to Use The Mood Cube
WATCH NOWA video educating whānau, parents and teachers on how to use the Mood Cube physical resource by Cat Levine.
How To Use The Calm Cube
WATCH NOWA video educating whānau, parents and teachers on how to use the Calm Cube physical resource by Cat Levine.
How To Use The Thinking Cube
WATCH NOWA video educating whānau, parents and teachers on how to use the Thinking Cube physical resource by Cat Levine.
How To Use The Stinking Thinking Poster
WATCH NOWA video educating whānau, parents and teachers on how to use the Stinking Thinking poster by Cat Levine.

Any pātai for us?
Do you have any pātai (questions) for us? Want to book a school visit? Contact us via email below! We'd love to hear from you!